We are a little exhausted by social media for a few reasons and want to scale back the content we make there. Maybe we are sick of the pressure to do so and/or we are not feeling very inspired by what is happening in the world at large. So we are going old school and reactivated our blog page and hope you will join us here for fun articles, invites, interviews with vendors and more! We aren’t deactivating any socials because it’s still a useful tool to get the word out about our shows but we will be engaging with it a little differently.
Anyway, I (Kristen) have been wanting to start a book club for a few years. I read a lot during this time of year and I haven’t pursued this idea as much before because I know as the year goes on, there simply won’t be enough time, and once I commit, I like to stay committed. But instead of feeling like it needs to be a thing we do ALL OF THE TIME, I decided to dive in and just get started. So I would like to invite you to join. On February 18th, we will meet via Zoom, to discuss the book, Make Your Art No Matter What by Beth Pickens. Reserve it at your local library OR grab it from your local bookseller. There are so many great nuggets in this book, you’ll definitely want to highlight a lot of the passages. To receive the Zoom link, please email info@urbancraftuprising.com with the Subject: Book Club and we will make sure to send it over to you. This book club may only last a few times a year but our hope is to connect our community and have a lively conversation!