Makers & designers

Apply to be a vendor at our Urban Craft Uprising shows!

Urban Craft Uprising aims to build a local (and beyond) community of artists, crafters and designers by organizing and providing events where indie crafters and artists can connect with their fans.

TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE STEPS WE ARE TAKING TOWARD diversity, equity, and inclusion in our events and our application process, please see our dei impact statement.

important dates & deadlines


Deadline for Food Trucks: August 18th

Regular Application Deadline: September 1st

Notifications Sent: September 6th


Deadline for Food Trucks: August 18th

Regular Application Deadline: September 1st

Notifications Sent: September 6th


Application Deadline: September 2nd

Notifications Sent: September 13th


Refund Deadline: March 15th, 2025


We strongly urge you to read this FAQ in its entirety before submitting an application to one of our shows.

Who is eligible to vend at Urban Craft Uprising shows?

The short answer is, makers, artisans and designers who sell handmade products. Additionally, local businesses that make both packaged and prepared foods are welcome to apply. Please see above for specifics about which shows allow prepared food and/or food trucks.

However, we do not accept resellers of imported products, or non-profits representing crafters who will not be present at the show. Additionally, if you are applying to represent a collection of overseas artisans, this is unfortunately not the show for you. If your business falls into any of these categories you may be a more appropriate fit as a sponsor of our show. Please contact Kristen for more details.

To apply for the show, we need to see photos of your work.

Do you really need to see photos of my work?

Yes. The only way to jury this show is to see your work. Whether you have vended with us before or are a brand new vendor, we want to see either how your work has changed and evolved, or find a good introduction to your work. So please make sure that these represent the best that you have to offer.
We do contact you with any issues we may have with your photos whether there are too many, if you have submitted composites (not acceptable), or if they are corrupt.

Can I sell something at the show that you didn't see in my photos?

While we don’t expect a photo of every single product you sell, you may only vend with the specific product lines and craft category that you applied with. For example, if you are accepted to the show to sell your line of pillows that you applied with, but two weeks before the show decide to expand your business to include bath salts, you will need to check with us before bringing those along to sell. The reason for this is that UCU is a very small and competitive show, and the curation of vendors is intended to reduce competition between vendors once accepted, to maximize sales for everyone. By introducing brand new products into the mix post-jurying, you may be inadvertently competing with another vendor at the show. If you do create a new product after the jurying process, you can submit photos to the UCU team for potential inclusion.

My photos aren't really that important because you'll look at my website and Instagram, right?

We only look at a small handful of websites during our jury process, and only when we are confused or don’t feel like we fully understand your work. We make our decisions based entirely upon your currently submitted photos and the information you provide in your application. That’s why we tell you that your photos are really, really, really important. Really.

I've been a vendor with Urban Craft Uprising before. I can just send you the same photos I did last time, can't I?

Technically, yes… BUT: if we see the same photos each time you apply, we can be left with the impression that your work doesn’t change. Our job is to keep the show feeling fresh for our fans, so showing us your newest work is to your benefit.

More info about the application process

Can I apply to share a booth with a friend?

Yes, for our big summer and winter shows at the Exhibition Hall, booth sharing is allowed. You will each need to fill out the application separately, and will be juried separately. If both of you are accepted, we’ll make split booth payment arrangements with you. If one of you gets in, but the other doesn’t, we will offer you a space of your own. Also, booth shares can only be 10 x 10 spaces. There will be a space on the application for you to indicate if you would like to share a booth with a friend.

I've been a vendor with Urban Craft Uprising before. Do I still need to fill out the application?

Yep! We love all our past vendors but each show is a brand new venture, which can’t be accomplished without a brand new set of apps every time.

Will I be penalized for only applying to one of your shows, but not the other?

What you choose to apply for is entirely up to you — each show is juried independently from the others. You may also apply for multiple shows but only get in to one or some of them; it just depends on the applicant pool that you’re up against. We jury each show as a new venture, so how many shows you apply for makes absolutely no impact on our jurying process.

I've already submitted my application, but now I want to apply for an additional show, or change something. What should I do?

Just shoot us an email and let us know what you’d like to change. If you resubmit, we will delete the first application and use the second, but this gets confusing if you’re resubmitting days or weeks after your original submission. Much easier to change it on the back end so please just email us your amendments.

If I apply early on, will my application get lost in the shuffle by the time you jury?

Not at all. As long as you’ve paid your application fee, your application will be in the database along with everybody else’s. At jury time we will sort all applications by category and jury each one in turn.

What is Urban Craft Uprising doing to support BIPOC makers and BIPOC-owned businesses?

Great question! Please see our DEI and Impact Statement right here.

All about the jurying process

What do you mean when you say UCU is a juried show? How do you pick who gets in?

Part of what makes Urban Craft Uprising a successful show is the careful selection of vendors who we think will come together to make the most balanced and high quality show possible. With previous attendee surveys in hand, we sit down as a team to look at application info and photos and make decisions based on originality, aesthetic, marketability to both men and women, general appeal, and price range. We also consider the variety of the show overall, making sure that we don’t have too many similar items or vendors. Take a look at our past vendor list or Instagram to get a sense of the kinds of vendors we’ve had at previous shows.

Specifically, what is your jury process?

We spend many hours jurying each and every one of our shows, with an intention to showcase a variety handmade work, and to host a diverse group of vendors.

First, we begin by jurying our BIPOC applicants, as self-identified on their application. That doesn’t mean that they will necessarily all get in, but it does mean that we consider their work before we’ve made any other decisions.

Next, for any of our neighborhood-based shows like Edmonds Spring Fest, Tacoma Spring Fest, Derby Days, etc., we jury any applicants who are local to that town or neighborhood.

There are many reasons why an applicant may not be a good fit for a specific show: photos play a key role in showing your work; some applications point to what we call “omni-crafters,” and while we enjoy a booth that covers a variety of categories, it makes it harder to jury, especially for our most competitive shows. To put things in perspective, we have an average acceptance rate of about 30%, so please don’t take it personally!

We also made the decision many years ago that 30% of our vendors at our large Summer and Winter UCU shows would always be new vendors who have never been with us before, so that there are always new makers to see and support, even for those who have been shopping at our shows for decades.

We offer FREE consultations to any BIPOC maker who has not gotten in to see how they can develop a more competitive application and are happy to see that this has helped many makers! To learn more, feel free to send us an email.

We are always open to discussion as well so if you have any questions about how we operate, feel free to contact us. We aim to reply to emails within 24-48 hours.

I've been a vendor with Urban Craft Uprising before so I have a better chance of getting accepted, right?

Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. We love all of our previous vendors but every show is a new show and we believe part of our continued success is that we always, always start entirely from scratch. Every show is curated based on the applicants who apply that go-round, and for that reason, each show has a slightly different feel and personality. In fact, we have made it a point to select at least 30% new vendors to each show to make the show fresh and exciting for our fans which has helped to continue our success.

How will I know if I get in or not?

The notification date will be stated in the first section of this page. On that date, you’ll receive an email letting you know whether or not you’ve been accepted to vend. We stick to what we say, so if you haven’t received your notification email by the end of the specified date, please check your spam or promotions folders, as the email may have slipped by! The email will be coming from If you are expecting a notification email and don’t receive one, email us at the address above and we can re-send it to you. The most common reason for this is that you have mistyped your email address in your application, which means any notification letters or emails we sent to you are not being received.

If I don't get in, will you tell me why?

Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications, we can’t give specific feedback to each person. When time permits, we will respond to respectful inquiries from applicants with details as best we can.

Details about the business side of applying to UCU

What are the fees and costs involved in the show?

The booth fees and available add-ons are different for every show on our roster. Please see the information above for specific costs for each show. For makers seeking scholarships and reduced booth fees for “sprouting” businesses, please see our Greenhouse Program.
Fees that pertain to ALL shows on our roster include:
  • $10 application fee
  • $10 processing fee (added to your invoice if accepted)

Additional/optional fees that may pertain to some shows:

  • Electrical access (if available): $75
  • Table/chair rentals (if available): $5-$22
  • Swag opt-out fee (Main summer/winter shows only): $60
  • Seattle business license fee (if you are not a registered Seattle business): $10/day

I see that you're asking for my Seattle City Business License. What if I don't have one?

A Seattle City Business License is required for all businesses operating in the city of Seattle. If you do not already have one and your business is operational in the city, you should apply for one right away. All the info you need to do this can be found here.

Please note that this is different from your Washington State UBI. If you do not have a Washington business license but do participate in shows in the state of Washington, you are allowed TWO courtesy waivers each year, to attend shows without a license. After participating in two shows, you are required to obtain a Washington State business license.

Can I vend at your show if I'm from Canada?

Yes, absolutely! We are happy to have you on our end, but please do your due diligence in researching any issues that may come up with transporting your product across the border and/or generating revenue in the United States.

Details about vending at ucu

Do you have any markets that are specifically geared towards wholesale?

What is your refund policy?

If you are accepted to the show and later decide that you are unable to participate, we will refund your booth fee in full, provided that you let us know six weeks before the show date. No refunds will be offered to vendors who drop out less than six weeks prior to the show.

You will be notified of the booth invoice due date in the first vendor newsletter you receive. Late booth fee payments will be subject to a late fee of 5% of the total booth fee, compounding weekly. If you have chosen not to participate in the show, simply ignoring the invoice is not the same as letting us know you are withdrawing. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are withdrawing so that we may offer your spot to another vendor with enough time for them to accept.

Is there a penalty for last-minute vendor dropouts?

Yes, because of the huge time burden and publicity cost that goes along with withdrawing a vendor from the show so close to the show date, there is a $50 penalty in addition to forfeiture of you booth fee, for any vendor dropouts that happen within four weeks of the show. This is in addition to forfeiture of your booth fee. Please consider your ability to vend carefully before you commit to the show!

I'm an out-of-state vendor. Do I still have to collect and pay sales tax at the show?

Yes. All vendors are responsible for paying their own sales tax for business conducted within Washington, regardless of whether they are Washington residents.

If you are an out-of-state vendor, you must register for a temporary UBI right here. They will send you a form that you’ll need to fill out immediately after the show is over to report your sales tax revenue.

Are there any special conditions for food vendors?

  1. King County Food Handler’s Permit (apply online!)
  2. Temporary Food Service Permit, unless you already have a permit through the county for selling regularly at shows or farmers’ markets. Find out more about this here. Your business may qualify for an exemption, depending on your product. Call our area representative at 206.263.9566 (that is the main Seattle switchboard; ask for Rose Byrne, who is our inspector) and see if your business may qualify for an exemption.

Please note: While we will not be checking for these permits, there is a good chance that inspectors may be at the show to do so; we highly recommend taking care of this early to avoid last-minute scrambling or penalties.

What is swag?

Note: Swag bags are only given out to fans at our big Summer and Winter UCU, and Fall Gobble Up shows.
The reason dozens of shoppers line up at our doors for hours before we open is clear: We are known for our great swag bags!
“What are swag bags?” you may ask. Well, all vendors are required to submit no less than $40 worth of merchandise that will be included in these goodie bags, which are given to the first 100 fans through the doors each day. It’s a great way to attract new fans, it creates a huge buzz (hence the lines that go all the way to the Key Arena) and it’s a great promotional tool. The bags are full of a range of items, from a sample of soap to nice jewelry and accessories. We try to allocate each bag with a variety of merchandise that makes it exciting for our fans while also helping you to promote yourselves.


We want these to be bags full of goodies – real examples of unique, hand-crafted arts and crafts that will be fun for the audience and a great way to reach a new market of interested crafting fans.

How much inventory should I bring?

This is a really tricky question, but one that we get all the time. People come out in droves for the Winter Show, and especially in the past few years after adding the Friday Preview Night (which means 3 days of shopping instead of 2), we have had the problem of vendors selling out before the weekend is over.
Even though this might sound like a good problem to have, it’s not! Empty booths look sad, and because we have a strict no early tear-down policy, this is an awkward situation to end up in. If you do find that you are running low on stock mid-show, we encourage you to hang on to a range of items, use them as display samples, and take orders to ship the following week.
However, the best way to avoid this happening is to bring more stock than you think you need–think double the amount that you hope to sell.

I'm a beginner crafter and I'm intimidated about applying to your big Winter Show. Do you have any advice for me?

We realize that these shows can be intimidating and for those who have not vended much it’s great to get some experience under your belt at smaller shows first. For example, our Spring Fest shows are a great place to begin your craft show vending journey. We understand that booth fees at larger shows can sometimes be a barrier to entry. Our Greenhouse Program has options for some great ways to get involved with our bigger shows with either a smaller time commitment and/or reduced fees.

How big are the rental tables?

The rental tables at the Exhibition Hall are 8′ long by 30″ wide. The rental tables at the Magnuson Park Hangar are 6′ long.

Does a 5x10 booth mean 5' wide, or 5' deep?

The longest edge of your booth will always be the one facing the shoppers.
A few more tidbits you should know

When I applied, I said I didn't want to rent a table, but now I do. Is this possible?

If your booth setup plans change, you may email us with your requests regarding table rentals, electricity, booth size, etc., and we will do our best to accommodate. However, once our service orders have been finalized and the booth map has been set, we will be unable to grant any changes. We highly recommend designing your booth setup BEFORE you apply, so that we’ll have the correct information to place you according to your needs.

I see all kinds of email addresses on your website. Would you like me to sign you all up for my newsletter?

No. Please, please don’t do that. We will absolutely notice you, but not in the way you were hoping for. We are inundated with emails already and if you sign us up for your newsletter without our permission it makes us overwhelmed.

How do I become a sponsor of Urban Craft Uprising?

Being a sponsor gets you in front of a large and growing community of crafters and artists, and their fans. We have sponsorship options for many of our shows, including discounted pricing for sponsoring multiple shows. Please send an email to for more details.

I am willing to travel to be a part of a show but would like to talk to other vendors from previous shows to see if it’s worth it. How can I get in touch with them?

Feel free to look at our Instagram to see the vendors who have been with us at previous shows. You are welcome to contacting them directly with any questions you might have.

I've read this whole FAQ, but my question isn't here. What should I do?

Double check the FAQ, and if you still can’t find your answer, go ahead and email and ask away!


5′ x 10′ booth: $475
10′ x 10′ booth: $575
available to rent
additional charges apply
This is an INDOOR show
all food vendors may apply
PREPARED FOOD BOOTHS welcome to apply

GOBBLE UP Portland

5′ x 8′ INDOOR booth OR 10′ X 10′ OUTDOOR BOOTH: $225
food truck icon
food truck: $175 OR 10% of sales
available to rent
additional charges apply
This is an indoor/outdoor show
all food vendors may apply
food trucks also welcome to apply!


5′ x 10′ booth: $250
10′ X 10′ BOOTH: $500
food truck icon
food truck: $175 or 10% of sales
available to rent
additional charges apply
This is an indoor show
all food vendors may apply
food trucks also welcome to apply!