There are so many things I love about organizing and attending Camp ThunderCraft. I love the scenery, the views of the Puget Sound, the ferry ride over, and the feeling of awe I get for all the people who join us! I mean, if you are an introvert, it’s brave af to come to a place where you don’t know many people to learn, craft and connect. Here are just a few other things I love about camp.
- Support: Many of us work alone in our studios for hours on end each day. We hopefully have supportive partners, family and friends who encourage us and remember to tell us that we are amazing. HOWEVER, this can feel like we are living on a lonely island without real, honest feedback about what we are doing. Many of the people in our immediate circles don’t actually get the pain points, OR the joys, about running a small business. But, the community at Camp ThunderCraft does! And you’ll leave with a supportive network that will keep you going for years to come.
- Sounding Board: No matter where you are in your business, you need a sounding board sometimes; or just a kick in the pants to go after something new and scary, or to revive the love you once had for small business owning, because it is HARD. I have no doubt you’ll leave camp with a dose of that and more.
- Helping others: Whether you are new to this, or consider yourself old school, it feels great to help others! Offering guidance to those who are new can feel so amazing you’ll want to do it more.
- Community: No matter where you are, being in community may be just the thing you need without even realizing it. So, if you’ve been feeling lonely or unmotivated, this camp could be perfect for you.
I really hope you join us this year at Camp. It’s an amazing experience. Register today!