Sur Woodworking

Urban Craft Uprising Vendor


Sur Woodworking is a proud, indigenous, family owned woodworking shop based in Des Moines, WA. Everything we create is done with the goal of offering something made with love that will last a lifetime.

For years, Sur Woodworking has developed and created custom furniture and housewares for customers and women’s charities via a charity we co-founded, Henwood & Sur’s Goodworking.

Most know woodworker Kevin Sur as the creator of community driven music festivals like Timber! Outdoor Music Festival and Doe Bay Fest. This drive to create community has inspired us to make cherished items that promote togetherness; whether it be chairs customers sit in, or the centerpiece at a dining room table.


about the vendor
Booth Hours:
Saturday 11 – 12pm | Sunday 11 – 12pm
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you can also shop with me by clicking any of the products below the zoom window 24/7!
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